Slow Cooker Mexican Lasagna With Chicken

Slow Cooker Mexican Lasagna With Chicken

Thé éasiést lasagna you’ll évér maké. Chéésy and piléd high with corn, salsa, béans and chickén.

Author: by Séréna Ball, RD
Yiéld: 8 sérvings


  • 2 cups low-fat cottagé chéésé
  • 1 cup frozén corn (slightly thawéd)
  • 1 cup cookéd/cannéd black béans (from a 15 oz can, drain and rinsé béans; usé rémaining béans for anothér usé)
  • 1 1/2 cup shréddéd Chéddar chéésé, (réducéd-fat is finé) dividéd
  • 2 cups (about 8 oz) cookéd, shréddéd chickén
  • 1 téaspoon ground cumin
  • 1/2 téaspoon garlic powdér
  • 1 can (15 oz) crushéd tomatoés
  • 2 cans (10 oz éach) dicéd tomatoés with gréén chiliés (or 20 oz salsa)
  • 1 box (8 oz) driéd lasagna noodlés (8 noodlés total)


  1. In a largé bowl, stir togéthér cottagé chéésé, corn, béans, 1/2 cup Chéddar chéésé, chickén, cumin and garlic powdér. In a médium bowl stir togéthér all 3 cans of tomatoés.
  2. To assémblé, pour 1 cup of tomato mixturé into thé bottom of a 5- or 6- quart slow cookér that’s béén coatéd with cooking spray. Top with 2 noodlés that havé béén brokén to fit so tomatoés aré covéréd as much as possiblé.
  3. Spoon 3/4 cup tomatoés ovér noodlés. Scoop up 1 1/2 cup of cottagé chéésé mixturé and spréad ovér tomatoés. Top with 1/4 cup Chéddar chéésé. Covér with 2 moré noodlés, bréaking to fit.
  4. Répéat stép #3 two moré timés.
  5. For thé top layér, pour rémaining saucé (about 3/4 cup) on top of thé last layér of noodlés and top with rémaining 1/4 cup Chéddar chéésé.
  6. Cook on LOW for 2-4 hours (covéréd); at 2 hours noodlés will bé moré al dénté – at 4 hours noodlés will bé much softér. OR cook on HIGH for 1 1/2 – 2 hours.

NOTE: If you want to this to cook 6-8 hours, add 6 moré noodlés (1 1/2 noodlés moré for éach layér) + anothér can of tomatoés-with-chiliés to thé tomato saucé.

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