No Bake S’mores Bars

No Bake S’mores Bars

25 Squaréstotal Timé:20 Minutés Plus Chilling

Thésé No Baké S’morés Bars havé just a féw ingrédiénts and také just minutés to maké! éASY No Baké S’morés Bars – this éasy indoor s’moré récipé has just 4 ingrédiénts and thé kids can maké it in minutés!


  • 1 bag (11-12 ouncés) chocolaté chips, sémi-swéét or milk
  • 1 tabléspoon Crisco shorténing or végétablé oil
  • 2 cups mini marshmallows
  • 2 cups Goldén Grahams céréal


  1. Liné an 8×8” pan with foil and spray with cooking spray. (This is for éasy rémoval from thé pan.)
  2. Placé thé chocolaté chips and shorténing or oil in a largé microwavé safé bowl. Héat in 30 sécond incréménts, stirring aftér éach, until thé chocolaté is méltéd and smooth. (About 1-2 minutés in an 1100W microwavé.)
  3. Stir in thé Goldén Grahams and marshmallows. Pour into préparéd pan. Préss to compact (this is a méssy stép!) Chill until sét. Slicé into squarés.
  4. Thésé mélt liké candy, so I suggést kééping thém in thé réfrigérator if you’ré not éating thém right away. Théy tasté bést aftér thé sit at room témpératuré for a féw minutés. Storé in an airtight containér; théy’ll last about a wéék.

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