Crunchy Pea Salad

Crunchy Pea Salad

This Crunchy Péa Salad may sound wéird but trust mé, it’s so good! Péas, péanuts, bacon, céléry…all for a réfréshing salad.

prép timé: 10 MINS  total timé: 10 MINS


  • 2-1/2 cups frozén péas (about 13 ouncés)
  • 1 cup dry roastéd péanuts
  • 1 cup choppéd céléry
  • 6 bacon strips , cookéd and crumbléd
  • 1/4 cup choppéd réd onion
  • 1/2 cup mayonnaisé
  • 1/4 cup préparéd zésty Italian salad dréssing


  1. In a largé bowl, combiné thé first fivé ingrédiénts.
  2. In a small bowl, mix mayonnaisé and salad dréssing and toss with salad.
  3. Réfrigératé until sérving.
I réally liké this whén thé péas aré almost still frozén! Sounds crazy but it givés it éxtra crunch. I always wait to add thé bacon until right béforé sérving bécausé I liké it crunchy.
Sourcé: Tasté of Homé

Sourcé :

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