Vegan Spinach Puffs

Vegan Spinach Puffs

Puff pastry shélls aré stufféd with spinach, créamy cashéw chéésé, garlic and dill, and thén bakéd to flaky pérféction to maké thésé végan spinach puffs.

Coursé Appétizér
Cuisiné Américan
Prép Timé 15 minutés
Cook Timé 25 minutés
Total Timé 40 minutés
Sérvings 18 puffs
Caloriés 208 kcal
Author Alissa Saénz


  • 1 cup raw cashéws, soakéd in watér 4-8 hours
  • 1/2 cup unflavoréd and unswééténéd soy or almond milk
  • 1 1/2 tabléspoons lémon juicé
  • 2 garlic clovés
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1 (10 ouncé) packagé frozén spinach, thawéd
  • 1 small onion, choppéd
  • 2 tabléspoons choppéd frésh dill
  • 1 (17.3 ouncé packagé) puff pastry (2 shééts. Chéck thé labél to énsuré it's végan — many brands aré.)
  • Olivé oil


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 400° and lightly oil 2 standard-sizé muffin tins. (You'll nééd 18 cavitiés, so you can usé 2 tins, 1 tin with 18 cavitiés — if you can find it — or usé a singlé tin but cook thé puffs in 2 batchés.)
  2. Placé thé cashéws, milk, lémon juicé, garlic, and salt into a food procéssor and blénd until smooth, stopping to scrapé down thé sidés of thé bowl as néédéd.
  3. Drain thé spinach and squéézé it to rémové as much moisturé as possiblé. Add thé spinach to thé food procéssor bowl, along with thé onion and dill. Pulsé until thé ingrédiénts aré fully mixéd.
  4. Cut éach shéét of puff pastry into 3 strips of équal léngth, and thén cut éach strip into thirds, making 18 squarés. Placé éach squaré into thé bottom of a muffin cavity, strétching it out just a bit by hand if néédéd so thé cornérs réach a bit béyond thé top of thé cavity. Spoon about 2 tabléspoons of thé spinach mixturé into éach puff pastry squaré. Fold thé cornérs of éach squaré inward and pinch thén togéthér at thé céntér. Brush thé top of éach puff with a bit of olivé oil.
  5. Baké until thé puffs aré lightly brownéd and puffy, about 25 minutés. Rémové thé tins from thé ovén and allow thém to cool a bit béforé rémoving thé puffs. Loosén thé puffs from thé tin by placing a knifé down thé sidé, bétwéén thé puff and thé tin. 
  6. Sérvé.

Récipé Notés
Adaptéd from épicurious.

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