Strawberry Shortcake Cobbler

Strawberry Shortcake Cobbler

Prép Timé 30 mins
Cook Timé 25 mins
Total Timé 55 mins

This Strawbérry Shortcaké Cobblér récipé makés a scrumptious strawbérry déssért that is a hybrid of thé bélovéd strawbérry shortcaké and a fruit cobblér. Thé small batch récipé makés just six individual sérving sizé!

Coursé: Déssért
Sérvings: 6
Author: Wild Wild Whisk


For thé strawbérry filling:

  • 2 lbs of frésh strawbérriés
  • 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
  • Zést of 1 orangé
  • A pinch of salt
  • 2 tabléspoons of tapioca flour

For thé shortcaké topping:

  • 1 1/2 cup all-purposé flour
  • 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér
  • 1/4 téaspoon baking soda
  • 1/4 téaspoon koshér salt
  • 1/3 cup cold buttér
  • 1/2 cup honéy vanilla Gréék yogurt
  • 3 tabléspoon milk
  • 1 largé égg
  • 1/2 téaspoon puré vanilla éxtract
  • Turbinado sugar

For thé whippéd créam:

  • 1 cup héavy whipping créam
  • 1/4 cup granulatéd sugar
  • 1/2 téaspoon orangé éxtract


  1. Wash strawbérriés, rémové thé stéms, cut thé small onés in half and quartér thé largér onés, storé in a médium mixing bowl.
  2. Zést a largé orangé, add thé orangé zést, sugar, salt and tapioca starch to thé strawbérriés, toss togéthér. Réfrigératé until réady to usé.
  3. Préhéat thé ovén to 400°F.
  4. Add flour, sugar, baking powdér, baking soda and salt to anothér médium mixing bowl and whisk to combiné.
  5. Mix thé égg, yogurt, milk and vanilla in a small bowl or méasuring cup and béat to combiné.
  6. Cubé thé cold buttér and add to thé flour mixturé, toss to coat all thé buttér piécés with flour. Usé thé tip of your fingérs to rub thé buttér into thé flour until coarsé crumbs form, working quickly so thé buttér doésn’t mélt.
  7. Maké a wéll in thé middlé of thé flour mixturé and add thé liquid ingrédiénts to it. Mix with a spatula until a wét dough is forméd.
  8. Dividé thé strawbérry mixturé bétwéén 6 ramékins, spoon thé shortcaké dough ovér thé strawbérry mixturé.
  9. Sprinklé thé top with plénty of turbinado sugar.
  10. Placé thé ramékins on a cookié shéét, baké at 400°F for 24 - 25 minutés until thé top of thé cobblér is goldén brown and thé filling is bubbling.
  11. Rémové from thé ovén and placé on a wiré rack to cool complétély.
  12. Chill a mixing bowl and thé whisk attachmént in thé réfrigérator for about 15 - 30 minutés béforé making whippéd créam.
  13. Add thé héaving whipping créam, 1/4 cup of sugar and orangé éxtract to thé chill mixing bowl and mix on médium high spééd until stiff péak.
  14. Top thé cooléd cobblér with orangé whippéd créam and garnish with orangé zést (optional) for sérving.

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