Strawberry Pop Tarts with Chocolate Ganache

Strawberry Pop Tarts with Chocolate Ganache

Thésé Strawbérry Pop Tarts will bé thé bést onés you'vé évér had! Trust mé on this oné!

Coursé Déssért
Prép Timé 30 minutés
Cook Timé 4 hours 30 minutés
Total Timé 5 hours
Sérvings 10 pop tarts
Caloriés 200 kcal


Puff Pastry dough

  • 1 1/2 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1/2 téaspoon salt
  • 14 tabléspoons unsaltéd buttér 1 stick plus 6 tabléspoons
  • 6-7 tabléspoons icé watér

Strawbérry Jam Filling

  • 16 oz strawbérriés rinséd, stéms rémovéd and cut in half
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 lémon juicéd
  • 3 tabléspoons watér
  • 1 tabléspoon cornstarch plus 2 tabléspoons cold watér

Chocolaté Ganaché

  • 4 ouncés chocolaté any chocolaté you préfér, milk, bittérswéét, dark, or a combination
  • 4 ouncés héavy créam


Puff Pastry dough

  1. Cut buttér into small 1/2” piécés and stick it in thé fréézér for about 15 minutés.
  2. In thé bowl of a food procéssor add flour and salt. Add buttér to food procéssor and procéss about 10-20 timés until buttér piécés aré almost all incorporatéd into flour. Whén buttér piécés aré a bit smallér than thé sizé of a péa, it’s timé to stop. Do a couplé pulsés at a timé and kéép chécking.
  3. Drizzlé icé watér ovér mixturé and procéss 3-4 timés to combiné. Transfér dough to thé countér and work it minimally just énough to turn it into a ball. Don’t ovérwork your dough, othérwisé it will bé tough and not as flaky.
  4. Form mixturé into a 7 inch squaré, wrap it in plastic and réfrigératé for 30 minutés.
  5. Aftér 30 minutés, rémové dough from thé fridgé and roll it out into a largé réctanglé, méasuring about 16x10”. Fold it léttér stylé, wrap it and réfrigératé it again. Folding thé dough léttér stylé méans you’ll think of thé widést sidé of thé dough as dividéd into 3 parts, thén you aré going to fold oné énd all thé way up to 2/3 of thé léngth and thén fold thé othér énd ovér.
  6. Aftér 30 minutés, do thé samé thing again, now rolling thé dough from thé opén sidés. Fold it léttér stylé and réfrigératé again. Répéat this oncé moré aftér 30 minutés. And thén, réfrigératé thé dough for a couplé hours béforé using.

Strawbérry Jam Filling

  1. Placé strawbérriés, sugar and lémon juicé in a saucépan. Cook ovér médium héat for about 10 minutés until strawbérriés aré soft and you can mash thém with a fork, woodén spoon or a potato mashér. Mash thém up and kéép cooking for a littlé bit longér. Tasté for sugar, if it’s not swéét to your tasté, add a littlé bit moré sugar. Bé awaré that sométimés you’ll havé a batch of véry swéét bérriés or véry tart bérriés, and thé amount of sugar you add will dépénd on that. So maké suré to tasté your jam.
  2. Oncé strawbérriés aré mashéd, mix cornstarch and cold watér in a small bowl. Whén cornstarch is dissolvéd, add solution to thé saucépan and cook, stirring constantly for 2 minutés, until it boils and jam thickéns.
  3. Transfér jam to a containér, covér and réfrigératé for a féw hours béforé using.

Chocolaté Ganaché

  1. Chop chocolaté and add it to a bowl.
  2. Héat héavy créam just until béforé it boils. Don’t lét créam actually comé to a boil.
  3. Pour créam ovér chocolaté and stir until all thé chocolaté is méltéd. Sométimés not all thé chocolaté will mélt, whén that happéns, I stick thé bowl in thé microwavé for a féw séconds at a timé and kéép stirring until it’s smooth.
  4. Sét it asidé to usé latér.
  5. Noticé that for thé ganaché to gét to a piping consisténcy, you will nééd to wait until it’s complétély cooléd down. I liké to stick my bowl in thé fridgé if I’m in a hurry.
  6. To assémblé
  7. Rémové dough from thé fridgé and dividé it into 2 parts. Roll thé first part until it’s 1/4” thick. Cut squarés that aré about 3” by 4” using a pizza cuttér or a knifé. I liké to put my réctanglés of dough in a baking shéét and stick it in thé fridgé whilé I roll out thé sécond half bécausé thé dough will start to gét warm and hardér to work with.
  8. Oncé you’vé rolléd thé first half and havé cut as many réctanglés as possiblé, roll out thé sécond half.
  9. To assémblé your pop tarts, simply placé a héaping téaspoon of strawbérry filling in thé céntér of a réctanglé, covér with anothér réctanglé and crimp édgés with a fork.
  10. Béforé I baké my tarts, I stick thé tray in thé fréézér whilé I pré-héat my ovén bécausé this way thé buttér will firm up and providé a béttér structuré.
  11. Pré-héat ovén to 375F and brush tarts with an égg wash (an égg béatén). Baké for about 15 minutés or so. Chéck halfway to séé if you nééd to rotaté your pan. Kéép an éyé on your tarts so théy don’t ovérbaké, évéry ovén is différént and it might také léss or moré timé in your ovén than in miné.
  12. Oncé tarts aré cool, placé chocolaté ganaché in a piping bag, cut a small tiny holé in thé bag and pipé ganaché béautifully ovér tarts.

Récipé Notés
Récipé for 10 pop tarts méasuring 3” by 4”

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