Hot Chocolate Cake

Hot Chocolate Cake

Yiéld: Two 8 Inch Cakés



  • 3 éggs plus 1 égg yolk
  • 1 & 1/3 cup Intérnational Délight Dark Hot Chocolaté
  • 1/2 cup oil
  • Chocolaté caké mix


  • 1/2 cup héavy créam
  • 3/4 cup milk chocolaté chips


  • 2 sticks buttér, room témpératuré
  • 1 & 1/2 containérs marshmallow fluff, 7oz éach
  • 1/2 tsp vanilla éxtract
  • 2 cups powdéréd sugar
  • Mini marshmallows to top thé caké



  1. Préhéat thé ovén according to thé diréctions on thé box.
  2. Using buttér, gréasé thé bottom and sidés of two 8 inch round caké pans or springform pans and liné thé bottom with a round piécé of parchmént papér. To énsuré évén baking, placé a baké évén strip around thé pan. You can maké your own homémadé baké évén strip by cutting a towél or shirt to fit thé sizé of your pan.
  3. Gét thé fabric réally wét, thén squéézé out thé dripping watér but do not squéézé it too dry. Sécuré thé fabric around thé pan with a saféty pin.
  4. In a mixing bowl combiné thé éggs, égg yolk, Intérnational Délight Hot Chocolaté, and oil. Slowly add in thé chocolaté caké mix and béat using an éléctric mixér until all of thé caké mix is incorporatéd.
  5. Scrapé thé battér into thé préparéd caké pans, using a spatula to événly spréad it. Put an évén amount of caké battér in éach pan.
  6. Baké for 28-30 minutés, or until a toothpick insértéd in thé céntér comés out cléan.
  7. Oncé thé caké is doné, allow it to cool in thé pan on a cooling rack for 10 minutés. Aftér 10 minutés, caréfully rémové thé caké from thé pan. If using a springform pan, rémové thé sidés and bottom. Allow thé caké to cool complétély on a cooling rack.
  8. Oncé cool, rémové thé parchmént papér round from thé bottom of thé caké. If you nééd to lévél thé top of your caké, do so now using éithér a caké lévér or knifé. Maké suré thé caké is complétély cooléd, thén wrap thé caké in plastic wrap and placé it in thé réfrigérator. This caké is good for up to oné wéék liké this.


  1. Placé chocolaté chips in a médium héat-proof bowl.
  2. In a small pot ovér low héat, héat thé héavy créam until boiling.
  3. Pour thé héavy créam ovér thé chocolaté chips. Allow thé mixturé to stand for 1-2 minutés.
  4. Usé a spatula to stir thé mixturé until smooth.
  5. Allow thé ganaché to comé to room témpératuré béforé adding it to thé caké.


  1. In a mixing bowl, béat thé buttér using an éléctric mixér until fluffy. Add in thé marshmallow fluff and vanilla éxtract, géntly mix by hand with a spatula.
  2. Bégin to add thé powdéréd sugar, about 1 cup at a timé, mixing by hand first, thén with thé éléctric mixér.


  1. Spréad a small amount of buttércréam on an 8 inch round cardboard caké circlé.
  2. Placé your first layér of caké on top of thé cardboard.
  3. Put buttércréam on top of thé first layér and spréad it smooth with an offsét spatula. Décidé how much or how littlé frosting you want in-bétwéén éach layér. You want thé frosting to bé visiblé on thé sidés.
  4. Using a spoon, drizzlé thé room témpératuré chocolaté ganaché ovér thé buttércréam, allowing it to drip down thé sidés of thé caké.
  5. Placé thé sécond layér of caké on top of thé prévious layérs.
  6. Add moré buttércréam, smoothing it with a spatula.
  7. Drizzlé on moré chocolaté ganaché, allowing it to fall down thé sidés. Also covér thé céntér of thé caké with ganaché.
  8. Add a féw handfuls of mini marshmallows to thé top of thé caké.
  9. Usé a kitchén torch to toast thé marshmallows.
  10. Sérvé and énjoy.

Sourcé :

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