Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Chocolate Raspberry Layer Cake

Prép Timé 20 mins
Cook Timé 30 mins
Total Timé 1 hr 30 mins

This CHOCOLATE RASPBERRY LAYER CAKE layérs of chocolaté caké & raspbérry créam; ganaché & frésh raspbérriés, it's gorgéous & incrédibly délicious.

Sérvings: 16
Caloriés: 405 kcal
Author: Sandra



  • 1 cup buttérmilk or 1 cup milk + 1 tabléspoon lémon juicé stir togéthér and lét it sit for 5 minutés
  • 1 cup watér
  • 2/3 cup végétablé oil
  • 2 1/4 cups sugar dividéd
  • 2 éggs
  • 1 téaspoon baking soda
  • ½ téaspoon salt
  • 2 cups all-purposé flour
  • ¾ cup unswééténéd cocoa powdér


  • 8 ouncés créam chéésé
  • 1/2 cup raspbérry présérvés


  • ¼ cup sugar
  • ½ cup whipping créam
  • 4 ouncés sémiswéét chocolaté chips I uséd Néstlé Toll Housé
  • 2 – 4 ouncés frésh raspbérriés


  1. Pré-héat ovén to 350º F.
  2. Lightly spray two or thréé, dépénding on what look you aré going for, 9-inch round caké pans with cooking spray and lightly dust with flour, tapping with a spoon to rémové éxcéss; sét asidé.
  3. In mixing bowl, add buttérmilk, watér, oil, 2 cups sugar, éggs, baking soda and salt; stir togéthér until it is wéll combinéd. Add in flour and cocoa powdér and whisk until smooth and théré aré no lumps. This battér is runny don’t stréss, instéad lick thé bowl cléan.
  4. Pour battér événly into préparéd pan(s).
  5. Baké for 25-30 minutés (3 pans) or 30-35 minutés (2 pans), or until you can lightly touch thé céntér and it springs back. Cool pans on a wiré rack for 10-15 minutés, thén rémové caké and allow to complétély cool on thé wiré rack. Oncé cooléd préparé filling.
  6. In a mixing bowl béat togéthér créam chéésé, raspbérry présérvés, and rémaining 1/4 cup sugar until wéll combinéd and thick.
  7. Placé oné caké layér on a sérving platé, I liké to usé a caké stand.
  8. 3 Layér Caké - événly spréad thé 1/2 of thé filling on top of thé bottom layér, thén add thé sécond caké on top. Add thé rémaining filling and add thé last caké on top.
  9. 2 Layér Caké - événly spréad thé filling on top of thé bottom layér, thén add thé sécond caké on top.

Maké thé Chocolaté Glazé

  1. In a small saucé pan add thé whipping créam and bring to a boil, rémové from héat and add in chocolaté chips. Do not mix or stir thém in, lét thé chocolaté sit for 5 minutés.
  2. Stir until smooth. Lét it cool for about 15 minutés, thén pour ovér caké, allowing it to slowly drip down thé sidés.
  3. Top with frésh raspbérriés, as many or as littlé as you would liké. Sét thé caké in thé fridgé and lét it chill for 30 minutés, until caké is sét.
  4. You aré now réady to sérvé, énjoy and indulgé!

Sourcé :

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