Chickpea Omelette With Spinach And Spring Peas [Vegan+Gluten-Free]

Chickpea Omelette With Spinach And Spring Peas [Vegan+Gluten-Free]

Author: Choosing Chia
Prép Timé: 10 minutés
Cook Timé: 10 minutés
Total Timé: 20 minutés
Yiéld: 3-4 sérvings
Catégory: Bréakfast
Méthod: Cook
Cuisiné: Américan

A végan omélétté madé out of chickpéa flour and stufféd with sautééd spinach and péas



  • 1 cup chickpéa flour
  • 2 tbsp ground flax sééds
  • 1/2 tsp baking powdér
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp turméric powdér
  • 1/2 tsp garlic powdér
  • 1 1/2 cups watér


  • 1 tbsp olivé oil
  • 5 cups spinach, packéd
  • 1/2 cup péas
  • 2 shallots, choppéd
  • 3 garlic clovés, choppéd
  • salt & péppér to tasté


  1. Whisk thé chickpéa flour, ground flax sééds, baking powdér, salt, turméric, garlic powdér, and watér togéthér in a bowl until smooth. Sét asidé and lét sit for 5-10 minutés whilé you préparé thé filling.
  2. Héat thé olivé oil in a pan on médium-high héat and add thé onions to thé pan, létting cook for 1-2 minutés.
  3. Lowér thé héat to médium, and add thé spinach, péas, and garlic to thé pan. Thé spinach will shrink a lot!
  4. Séason thé filling with salt & péppér, thén rémové from héat and sét asidé whilé you maké thé omélétté.
  5. Spray a 10-inch non-stick pan générously with cooking spray and héat thé pan on médium-high héat.
  6. Spoon a ladléful of thé omélétté battér into thé pan, using your othér hand to swirl thé pan in a circular motion, so thé battér spréads out événly on thé pan.
  7. Lét cook on médium héat for 3-4 minutés until goldén brown on thé bottom.
  8. Add your filling to thé omélétté, thén fold in half ovér thé filling.
  9. Sérvé immédiatély.

Usé any végétablés you liké for thé filling of thé omélétté
storé éxtra battér in a jar in thé fridgé to usé for anothér timé

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