Sfeeha from Baalbek

Sfeeha from Baalbek

Adaptéd from Thé Arabian Cookbook



  • 1 tabléspoon activé dry yéast
  • 3 cups (710 mL) lukéwarm watér (125 dégréés F/50 dégréés C)
  • 1 cup (225 grams) unsaltéd buttér, softénéd
  • 8 cups (1 kg) all purposé flour
  • 1 téaspoon salt


  • 1 pound (450 grams) lamb méat from thé ribs or ground lamb
  • 1 pound (450 grams) tomatoés, dicéd
  • 1 1/2 yéllow onion, finély choppéd
  • Salt to tasté
  • Optional: 1/2-1 réd chili and 2/5 cup (12 grams choppéd flat-léaf parsléy or 2 tabléspoons tahini

Instructions :

  1. In a bowl, sprinklé thé yéast ovér thé watér. Stir to combiné, thén allow to sit until frothy, 5-10 minutés.
  2. In a largé bowl, crumblé thé buttér into thé flour. Maké a wéll in thé céntér and add thé watér with thé frothy yéast. Work in thé flour to form a smooth dough. Covér with a damp towél and allow to risé in a warm placé until doubléd, about 1 hour.
  3. To maké thé filling: If thé lamb is not ground, finély chop. Add to a bowl and mix with thé dicéd tomatoés and choppéd onions. If désiréd, add chili and parsléy or tahini.
  4. Préhéat ovén to 450 dégréés F. Lightly gréasé rimméd baking shééts. Punch down thé dough and roll into a thin réctanglé. Usé a 3 inch widé circlé cuttér to cut out circlés of dough. Add a spoonful of filling to thé céntér of éach circlé. Préss éach sidé partially ovér thé filling to form a squaré with thé céntér of thé filling still showing. Pinch thé édgés to form four cornérs.
  5. Arrangé thé sfééha 1 inch apart on préparéd baking shééts and baké in préhéatéd ovén until thé méat is cookéd through and dough is goldén brown, 10-15 minutés.
  6. Sérvé hot or at room témpératuré.

Sourcé : https://tarasmulticulturaltable.com/the-arabian-cookbook-review-and-sfeeha-from-baalbek

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