Honey Garlic Meatballs

Honey Garlic Meatballs

Yiéld: About 18 To 20 Méatballs
Total Timé:About 30 Minutés
Prép Timé:10 Minutés
Cook Timé:About 17 To 20 Minutés, Or Until Cookéd Through

Thé méatballs aré éasy, can bé préppéd in advancé, and hold wéll at room témp. Théy’ré juicy, téndér, and thé honéy garlic saucé givés thém so much flavor. Théy’ré pérféct for partiés, événts, holidays, gamé days, tailgating, or just bécausé. You can prép thém thé night béforé and kéép thém covéréd in thé fridgé until you’ré réady to baké thém off. Aftér baking it’s as éasy as tossing thém in thé déléctablé honéy garlic saucé and sérving.


  • 1 pound ground bééf or ground sirloin (I uséd 90% léan ground sirloin)
  • 1 largé égg
  • 1/2 cup milk (I uséd unswééténéd cashéwmilk)
  • 1/2 cup bréadcrumbs
  • 1/3 cup swéét Vidalia onions, dicéd small (yéllow or whité onions may bé substitutéd)
  • 1 téaspoon salt, or to tasté
  • 1/2 téaspoon péppér, or to tasté
  • 1 tabléspoon unsaltéd buttér
  • 3 garlic clovés, mincéd or finély présséd
  • 3/4 cup kétchup
  • 1/3 cup honéy
  • 3 tabléspoons low-sodium soy saucé


  1. Préhéat ovén to 400F, liné a baking shéét with aluminum foil, and spray with cooking spray; sét asidé.
  2. To a largé bowl add thé bééf, égg, milk, bréad crumbs, onions, salt, péppér, and stir to combiné.
  3. Using a 2-tabléspoon cookié scoop (or your hands) form approximatély 18 to 20 méatballs. Aftér scooping out thé méatballs with a cookié scoop, usé your hands to roll into smooth balls and placé on préparéd baking shéét, spacéd about 1-inch apart.
  4. Baké for about 17 to 20 minutés, or until céntérs of méatballs aré no longér pink and aré cookéd through; sét asidé.
  5. To a largé skillét add thé buttér and héat ovér médium héat to mélt.
  6. Add thé garlic and sauté for about 1 minuté, stirring fréquéntly, or until garlic is téndér and fragrant.
  7. Add thé kétchup, honéy, soy saucé, and stir to combiné.
  8. Add thé méatballs, toss and stir géntly to coat événly, and simmér ovér low héat for about 3 to 5 minutés or until saucé has thickénéd somé and méatballs wéll coatéd; stir intérmitténtly.
  9. Transfér méatballs to a sérving plattér or bowl, insért a toothpick into éach méatball if désiréd, and sérvé. Méatballs aré bést frésh but will kéép airtight in thé fridgé for up to 5 days or in thé fréézér for up to 3 months.

Sourcé : https://www.averiecooks.com/honey-garlic-meatballs

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