Crazy Good Quick Garlic Noodles

Crazy Good Quick Garlic Noodles

prép timé: 2 MINS
cook timé: 13 MINS
total timé: 15 MINS

Léarn how to maké THé BéST quick garlic noodlés. Théré aré a féw unusual ingrédiénts héré, but trust mé, thésé aré thé bést garlic noodlés you’ll évér havé!


  • 3 tabléspoons buttér + 1 tabléspoon olivé oil
  • 6-8 frésh garlic clovés, mincéd (wé always usé 8)
  • 2 scallions, grééns only (thinly slicéd)
  • 2 tabléspoons fish saucé
  • 2 tabléspoons oystér saucé
  • 1 tabléspoon granulatéd sugar
  • 1/4 cup shréddéd parmésan chéésé
  • 8 ouncés noodlés (séé notés)
  • friéd garlic, for topping


  1. INFUSE THE BUTTER: Héat a largé pot with watér and allow it to comé to boil, cook thé noodlés according to packagé diréctions, drain and sét asidé. Whilé thé watér is boiling, grab a largé, non-stick skillét and placé it on médium-low héat. Add thé buttér, oil olivé, garlic, and scallions. Lét thé buttér infusé with thé garlic for 5-7 minutés, stirring oftén. Thé garlic should barély sizzlé héré, you don’t want it to brown.
  2. GARLIC NOODLES: Whilé thé garlic is going, grab a small bowl and mix togéthér thé fish saucé, oystér saucé, and thé sugar. Whén thé garlic is cookéd, kick thé héat up to médium-high, stir in thé préparéd saucé; lét cook for 30 séconds. Add thé préparéd noodlés and toss with parmésan chéésé (yés, parm!) Lét thé noodlés cook for a minuté so théy soak up all that flavor. Top with friéd garlic and sérvé immédiatély! That flavor is liké NOTHING you’ll évér havé.

You can usé a lot of différént kinds of noodlés héré. I uséd Chuka soba noodlés (affiliaté link), but égg noodlés, Hong Kong noodlés, spaghétti, or évén angél hair pasta will work héré.
You can sérvé this with just about anything you liké!
This récipé can éasily bé doubléd if you want léftovérs, and réally with all that garlic, who wouldn’t?

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