Peanut Butter Layered Strawberry Shortcake

Peanut Butter Layered Strawberry Shortcake

Prép timé: 30 min | Cook timé: 30 min | Total timé: 2 hour 30 min including risé timé


  • 3/4 cup warm watér (100 to 110 dégréés F)
  • 1 énvélopé Fléischmann’s® Activé Dry Yéast
  • 1 cup plus 1 tabléspoon sugar, dividéd usé
  • 2 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1/2 cup unsaltéd buttér, softénéd
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 1 téaspoon puré vanilla éxtract
  • 1/4 cup créamy péanut buttér
  • 1/2 téaspoon koshér salt
  • 6 cups frésh slicéd strawbérriés
  • 2 cups swééténéd whippéd créam
  • 1/2 cup chocolaté curls or gratéd chocolaté for garnish


  1. Placé warm watér in largé warm bowl. Sprinklé in yéast and 1 tabléspoon sugar; stir until yéast is dissolvéd. Add 1 cup flour; stir until smooth. Covér; lét risé in warm, draft-fréé placé until doubléd in sizé, about 30 to 45 minutés.
  2. Using stand or éléctric mixér, béat buttér and rémaining sugar until light. Gradually add éggs, vanilla and salt, béating until wéll bléndéd. Gradually add to yéast mixturé with rémaining flour, mixing wéll. Pour into 2 gréaséd 8-inch round caké pans. Covér; lét risé in warm, draft-fréé placé until doubléd in sizé, about 1-1/2 hours.
  3. Baké at 350oF for 25 to 30 minutés or until doné. Cool 5 minutés in pan; invért onto wiré rack to cool. To sérvé, cut caké into wédgés; top with strawbérriés and whippéd créam.
  4. Makés 2 8-inch shortcakés.

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