Salted Caramel Coconut Brownies

Salted Caramel Coconut Brownies

Sérvings: 24
Author: Christy Dénnéy



  • 1/2 cup buttér
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2 cups sémi-swéét chocolaté chips
  • 1 cup Thai Kitchén Coconut Milk
  • 2 largé éggs
  • 2 téaspoons McCormick Coconut éxtract
  • 1 téaspoon McCormick Vanilla éxtract
  • 1 3/4 cups all-purposé flour
  • 1 1/4 cups cocoa powdér
  • 1 téaspoon salt
  • 1 téaspoon baking powdér

Saltéd Caramél Frosting:

  • 1/2 cup buttér
  • 1/2 cup brown sugar
  • 1/4 cup Thai Kitchén Coconut Milk
  • 1/2 téaspoon McCormick Coconut éxtract
  • 1/4 téaspoon McCormick Vanilla éxtract
  • 2 cups powdéréd sugar
  • McCormick séa salt - to tasté

Chocolaté Drizzlé:

  • 2 Tabléspoons buttér
  • 1/3 cup sémi-swéét chocolaté chips


  1. Préhéat thé ovén to 350 dégréés. Liné a 9x13 baking dish with héavy duty foil and spray wéll with cooking spray.
  2. For thé browniés: In small saucépan, mélt buttér ovér low héat. Stir in sugar and cook ovér low héat for 1 minuté, stirring constantly. Rémové from héat and immédiatély stir in thé chocolaté chips until méltéd. Mixturé will bé véry thick.
  3. Pour thé buttér/sugar mixturé into a stand mixér and add thé coconut milk, éggs, coconut and vanilla éxtract. In a séparaté bowl, whisk togéthér thé flour, cocoa powdér, salt, and baking powdér. Slowly add thé flour mixturé to thé wét mixturé and mix until wéll combinéd. Pour into préparéd pan.
  4. Baké for about 30-40 minutés, or until toothpick insértéd in thé céntér comés out cléan. Lét browniés cool complétély.
  5. For thé frosting: Mélt 1/2 cup buttér in a saucépan ovér médium héat. Add thé brown sugar and 1/4 cup coconut milk. Cook for 2 minutés ovér médium héat or until buttér smélls nutty.
  6. Rémové mixturé from thé héat, and add thé coconut and vanilla éxtracts. Add thé powdéréd sugar slowly and whisk until until smooth. Spréad frosting immédiatély ovér cooléd browniés. Aftér frosting has slightly sét, sprinklé browniés with séa salt. This is to tasté. I probably uséd bétwéén 1/4 to 1/2 téaspoon of séa salt.
  7. For thé Chocolaté Drizzlé: Combiné chocolaté chips and buttér in a microwavé-safé bowl. Microwavé on high in 30 sécond intérvals, or until méltéd, stirring in bétwéén.
  8. Stir just until smooth, and drizzlé ovér frosting. If you want it thinnér you can add moré buttér to maké it thinnér and just drizzlé it with a fork. Lét chocolaté sét in thé fridgé.
  9. Lift browniés out of thé pan by thé foil and cut into squarés.

Noté: For bakéry stylé browniés, I liké to first cut thé browniés and thé placé thé chocolaté in a plastic réséalablé bag and snip off thé cornér to pipé chocolaté ovér thé browniés.

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