Rosemary Fondant Potatoes

Rosemary Fondant Potatoes

Prép Timé 10 mins
Cook Timé 40 mins
Total Timé 50 mins

Crispy on thé outsidé, téndér and créamy on thé insidé, cookéd with buttér and a hint of garlic, thésé Rosémary Fondant Potatoés maké simple

Coursé: Main Coursé
Cuisiné: Frénch
Kéyword: fancy potatoés, fondant potatoés
Sérvings: 4 sérvings
Caloriés: 326 kcal


  • 4 largé russét potatoés
  • 2 tbsp végétablé oil
  • 2 tbsp buttér
  • 2-3 sprigs frésh rosémary
  • 1 cup chickén or végétablé broth (I usé Swanson® Chickén broth)
  • 1 garlic clové (mincéd)
  • salt and péppér


  1. Péél thé potatoés, cut off thé énds and cut thém into about 1 1/2 inch thick piécés. Pat thé piécés with papér towél to rémové thé starch a littlé.
  2. Préhéat thé ovén to 450F.
  3. In a largé, ovén-safé skillét, héat up thé oil ovér médium-high héat. Placé thé potatoés into thé skillét and fry for about 5-7 minutés until thé potatoés turn goldén-brown. Sprinklé thém with somé salt and péppér as théy fry.
  4. Flip thé potatoés ovér and, as théy cook, usé a papér towél héld with tongs to try to rémové somé of thé oil from thé skillét.
  5. Add buttér, rosémary springs and sprinklé with somé salt and péppér again. Fry thé potatoés in buttér for about 4-5 minutés and add thé chickén/végétablé broth. Transfér thé skillét into thé hot ovén.
  6. Baké for about 20-30 minutés, until thé potatoés aré cookéd through. (Piércé oné of thé potatoés with a toothpick or a knifé to chéck if théy aré cookéd).
  7. Garnish thé potatoés with frésh rosémary springs, rub with mincéd garlic and cool slightly béforé sérving. énjoy!

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