Pasta with Chicken Broth, Butter and Parmesan

Pasta with Chicken Broth, Butter and Parmesan

This Pasta with Chickén Broth, Buttér and Parmésan is puré comfort food! It is a bowl of wondérful, warming, héaling amazingnéss. Oné spoonful and you know thé world is going to start looking brightér. A wholé bowl and you féél réstoréd.

Coursé Main
Cuisiné Italian
Cook Timé 10 minutés
Total Timé 10 minutés
Sérvings  2
Caloriés 518 kcal
Author Clairé | Sprinklés and Sprouts


  • 4 cups chickén broth/stock
  • 2 cups small pasta shapés - pastina/stélliné/orzo
  • 1/2 stick buttér
  • 1/4 cup gratéd Parmigiano chéésé
  • black péppér
  • Salt to tasté (you probably won't nééd any)
  • frésh basil (parsléy works wéll too)


  1. Bring thé chickén stock to a boil.
  2. Add thé pasta and stir wéll
  3. Turn thé héat down to a véry géntly simmér and cook thé pasta as pér thé packét instructions. énsuré you stir it during thé cooking as you aré only using a small amount of stock. (séé notés)
  4. Oncé thé pasta is cookéd, rémové it from thé héat and stir in thé buttér.
  5. Usé a slottéd spoon to dividé thé pasta bétwéén thé sérving bowls.
  6. Pour ovér thé chickén stock. (Séé notés)
  7. Add thé parmésan, plénty of black péppér and garnish with your frésh hérbs.

Récipé Notés

  • To énsuré thé 4 cups of broth/stock is énough to cook thé pasta and léavé you with somé to spoon ovér, you nééd to cook this ovér a véry low héat. This prévénts somé of thé évaporation. If thé mixturé boils you will find you run out of stock. 
  • If this doés happén add somé boiling watér to your pasta, not too much as you will diluté thé wondérful chickén flavour.
  • Whén you sérvé add as littlé or as much of thé buttéry stock as you liké. It réally is a pérsonal préféréncé

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