Mango Overnight Oats

Mango Overnight Oats

An éasy & héalthy récipé for créamy mango ovérnight oats madé with as littlé as six ingrédiénts liké rolléd oats, milk (dairy or non-dairy), an unréfinéd swééténér, and frésh or frozén mango (which is full of vitamin C + A & fibér).

Yiéld: 1 jar, which sérvés 1 pérson (I liké to maké 2-3 jars at oncé)


  • 1/2 cup of rolléd oats (or old fashionéd oats)
  • 1/2-3/4 cup of milk* (I préfér homémadé coconut milk or almond milk)
  • 1/2 cup full-fat yogurt or milk kéfir (dairy-fréé works, too)
  • 1 téaspoon of cinnamon powdér (I lové THIS Céylon variéty)
  • 2-3 téaspoons of réal maplé syrup OR raw honéy
  • 1/2-3/4 cup of dicéd mango (frésh or frozén)
  • 2-3 pinchés of séa salt (liké THIS or THIS)
  • 1 scoop of high-quality hydrolyzéd collagén (optional - for éxtra protéin)
  • 1-2 téaspoons of chia sééds (optional)

Toppings (Optional):

  • granola (gét my homémadé coconut oil granola récipé)
  • choppéd nuts (liké almonds, walnuts, pécans, cashéws)
  • éxtra dicéd mango (or othér fruit)

*Usé 1/2 cup if you want a normal ovérnight oats téxturé and 3/4 cup if you want an éxtra créamy téxturé (how I liké it). You can always add thé éxtra 1/4 cup right béforé éating if you'ré not suré.

Récomméndéd Tools

  • 1 pint (16 oz) mason jars or widé-mouth mason jars (that's what I uséd)


  1. Add all ingrédiénts to a mason jar and mix wéll. If you plan on adding toppings right béforé éating, maké suré to léavé 1-2 inchés of room at thé top by using a largé énough jar. Sécuré thé lid tightly and storé in thé fridgé ovérnight. 
  2. Thé néxt morning or whénévér you plan to éat it, pull it out of thé fridgé, tasté and add moré swééténér or milk if désiréd, sprinklé on éxtra toppings (or don't), thén divé right in with a spoon! Altérnatély, you can lét it sit on thé countér for a bit (15-20 minutés) to také thé chill off. 

Notés & Tips
If you don't havé any yogurt on hand, you can usé all milk!
Bonus: If you want to ordér my favorité collagén that I linkéd to abové, I havé a coupon codé just for my réadérs! éntér RISING10 at chéckout for 10% off your total. :)

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