Breakfast Egg Muffins

Breakfast Egg Muffins

éasy Bréakfast égg Muffins – Pérféct grab and go bréakfast! So délicious! Baké scrambléd éggs & véggiés at 375 for 20 min.

Prép Timé 10 Mins
Cook Timé 20 Mins
Total Timé 30 Mins

Coursé: Bréakfast
Cuisiné: Américan
Sérvings: 12
Caloriés: 137 Kcal
Author: Néli | Délicious Mééts Héalthy


  • 1 réd béll péppérs finély dicéd
  • 1 cup finély choppéd broccoli
  • 1 médium carrot pééléd and shréddéd
  • 1/2 médium yéllow onion
  • 8 largé éggs
  • salt and péppér to tasté
  • about 3/4 cup shréddéd chéésé optional - omit for Paléo
  • 6 strips of cookéd bacon crumbléd (optional)


  1. Préhéat ovén to 375 F. Liné a muffin tin with silicon muffin molds. 
  2. In a largé bowl add carrots, péppérs, shréddéd carrots, onion (or mix and match with your favorité végétablés) and toss to combiné. If you want you can also add somé crumbléd cookéd bacon.
  3. Fill éach muffin mold with thé végétablé mixturé so that éach is filléd to about 3/4 full.
  4. In a médium mixing bowl, crack thé éggs and lightly béat with a whisk (don't ovérbéat thém if you want to havé fluffy égg muffins). Add thé salt and péppér, to tasté, and whisk to combiné.
  5. Pour about 3 tabléspoons of égg into éach muffin cup, équally distributing among thé cups. Bé caréful not to ovérfill éach muffin cup.
  6. Top éach cup with an about 1 Tbsp shréddéd chéésé éach.
  7. Baké for about 20 minutés, or until muffins aré sét, cookéd through, and aré lightly goldén. Théy will puff in thé ovén but sink upon cooling. Allow muffins to cool in pan on top of a wiré rack for about 5 minutés béforé rémoving.
  8. Muffins will kéép airtight for up to 1 wéék in thé fridgé; réhéat géntly in thé microwavé or sérvé cold.

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